Friday, May 27, 2011

Item #6 of 23 Things Project

Okay! Amazingly, we shelvers, a new word created by library staff by the way, are all caught up with our work today. So I decided to use this time to make progress on the 23  Things learning project. Today my assignment was to investigate and learn about Flickr Mashups. My first response was, what? But after studying the various examples and pages of information I found Mashups quite interesting. I especially liked the mosaic creating mashup called Montagr. Fun & cool stuff! Ths internet sure has a lot to offer for those of us who may be creatively challenged.

As for more of my story, this morning I was doing a Bible Study with Beth Moore. The assignment was to divide your life into fifths and take time to review memories. Today I thought and journaled about my first fifth of life, ages 0 to 11. I was born in Key West, Florida because my Dad was in the Navy and he was stationed there for about 2 years. I am the 5th of nine children and was born after my mom had had her first and only miscarriage. At birth I was a blue baby so the response back then was two-fold: incubation and a speedy baptism. My parents had me baptized "Mary" but then I survived by God's plan so my true name was given at a full baptism, Susan Elaine. Like so many of us, I have had times in my life where I wondered about the reason for my existenece. Maybe I was just a happen chance or mistake, but when I consider this and many other stories of survival, I know that God had and has a plan for my life. He designed and planned my life and that is why I am here. Even now, to this very day! Knowing this and knowing Him makes all the difference!

Happy Memorial Day to one and all!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

23 Things- #5 Photo Sharing

Hello Again from 3 Legged Ed!
Do you wonder what this nickname means?
After a lifetime of learning, continual study and observation, I have come to agree wholeheartedly with the late Dr. Raymond Moore  that a well-educated person gains their knowledge via 3 avenues,
academic study, work experiences and volunteer opportunities. Hence, like the 3 legs of a well balanced stool that functions properly and effectively, I view education for myself (or for my children) like a 3-legged stool!

 Well, I just completed reading about and exploring 2 options for photo sharing on the internet as instructed for item number 5 of the 23 Things project.
I had previously heard about Flickr but Photobucket was new to me. Both sites have all the latest bells and whistles for uploding from various equipment or places. You can use your phone, camera or ipad type of computer. You can also share these photos by easily connecting with a wide variety of sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

At first look my personal preference is Flickr. It just seemed more user friendly to this "ole" gal!
I preferred the font size of the text and the easier step by step instructions given right up front.
It also appeared to directly give me pertinent information without requiring me to do a lot of searching on my own to answer quetions.
To see what I am referring just go to Flickr's home page here:

Photobucket on the other hand seemed more like a site one would use for professional photo and/or video sharing. Their web site featured many unique and wonderful ways to share your photos. A huge variety of wal papers, fun quotes to add to your photos, and numerous artistic backgrounds and frames to choose from. Check out to view these pages. I found their web site a bit harder to follow and to find things. You may have to scroll around to find all you are loking for.

With these similarities and diferenes in mind I personally would work with Flickr at this stage of the game.
Have fun and enjoy this amazing world of technology!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lifelong learning! Steps 1 through 4 of 23 Things!

First off when I was hired over 3 years ago to shelve books for KDL I never in my wildest imaginations thought I would have such fun and have the opportunity to increase my technology saavy and get to write my own blog. How cool KDL is! So, I have managed through the first steps of the 23 Things adventure. So far so good- I hope!

Way back in high school I loved the Robert Frost poem that ends with
"two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled and that has made all the difference."
(At east I think I am quoting him correctly. Please pardon me if I am off by a word or two.)
Certainly I can say this has been true for my life and what an adventure it has been. I will try to blog occassional thoughts from the past and to this path that has led me to the here and now.

First let me get you guessing! What do Key West, Florida, surviving NINE, wagon trains, dumbing us down rebel, mime, ballet and shelving books at KDL have in common? Me! My life span has included these things and in the future I hope to fill you in on each aspect of this wonderful God-led adventure!